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NERPC to meet PM on impact of fuel price hike on gas-based projects

Category  :  Industry
Date  :  Aug-13-2010 14:15

North East Regional Power Committee (NERPC) has said on Thursday that it will meet the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and seek his intervention for granting subsidies to gas-based power projects, which have been hit by the recent natural gas price hike.Speaking on the matter the chairman of the panel of northeastern states and also the Power Minister of Meghalaya Mr. A T Mondol said, "The gas-based power projects have been hit hard in the wake of the rise in prices of natural gas. The running cost has become high. Unless some subsidy is given, it will be difficult to sustain these projects". Further while speaking after the conclusion of the 9th conference of the NERPC on Thursday he pointed out that a delegation of the NERPC would meet the Prime Minister, Union Power Minister and Petroleum Minister later this month seeking their intervention on the issue. Meanwhile expressing his views on the matter the Minister of Power for Tripura Mr. Manik Dey pointed out that the price of natural gas has been increased by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas to Rs 4,580 per 1000 scm including 10 per cent royalty charges effective from June this year. The price of natural gas before the hike stood at Rs 2,122 per 1000 scm. Adding further to the matter Mr. Dey said, "With addition of 12 per cent VAT, the revised price comes to Rs 5,153 per 1000 scm. This is going to substantially raise the per unit cost of power generated from the gas thermal project like the ones in Kathalguri (Assam) and RC Nagar (Tripura), apart from the state-owned generating units”.Further the minister pointed out that the increase in gas price would eventually result in a steep rise in per unit cost of power supplied from the gas-based power projects. Meanwhile the 9th conference of NERPC went underway on 11th of August with a focus on overcoming the power shortage in the region. Speaking on the occasion Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited spokesperson Mr. ED Kharmujai had said, "Development of power sector in North-East and various aspects of power generation and power distribution would be discussed". The conference was attended by the agencies of the region''s power utility sectors along with the representative from Central electrical authorities.The conference focused on the technical aspects, while the power ministers of the region shared their views and ideas to enhance the power scenario in the region. It is worth noting that industry experts are of the view that the North-Eastern region has the potential of producing 70,000mw of hydro-power, enough to light up half of India, while Arunachal Pradesh alone has the potential to produce 50,000mw of hydro-power. Meanwhile commenting on the conference Mr. Mondol had said, "It is a common platform to take up the issues. The problems forwarded to NERPC which will later take up with the Union government".


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